Welcome to our official website: a magical place to connect with us, learn about community theater, and make some friends along the way!
Pacific Northwest Theater is a non-profit, educational, community theater company based in Olympia, Washington
PNT Summer Programs begin June 23, 2025 and last three, four or five weeks. Click below to check availability and to register.
Your School’s A Stage is a performing arts partnership between Pacific Northwest Theater, your school, and the community, providing on-site musical theater education and performance opportunities for students in their school.
The traveling artistic staff of PNT comes to your school to teach and rehearse students. Your parent volunteers provide the behind-the-scenes support, and family, friends, and community members attend the full-staged student performances at the end of the session at your school.
This is a fantastic way to get family, friends and community members to watch student performances at your school!
Your financial donation to 501(c)(3) nonprofit PNT is tax deductible. PNT funds are collected, held and used locally to support productions and keep the prices low for families to participate in after-school and summer programs. PNT’s goal is that price will never stop a family from signing up their child for a theater experience. To accomplish that, PNT not only recruits sponsors and donations, but also trains and uses volunteers, recycles and reuses costumes and set pieces, looks for deals on equipment, and seeks donations or discounts on venues. In short, PNT stretches every dollar … so that every dollar that donors give makes a huge difference in the lives of more young people as they experience theater. Please give today and expand PNT’s reach!